King Oyster SpawnJar™
Pleurotus eryngii
King Trumpet
King Brown
Trumpet Royale
Out of stock
SKU: CY82356
Category: Mycelium Grow Spawn
King Oyster SpawnJar™
Produced from Grade A mother spawn. The pinnacle of quality.
All of our spawn production is performed within our ISO Class 5 Cleanroom in-front of an ISO Class 4 Laminar Flow Hood.
The largest species of the Oyster mushroom family with a very thick, meaty stalk
Delicious and super easy to cultivate, King Oyster is said to provide the body with a boatload of nutrients and minerals!
They will flourish on almost anything… dead wood, straw, grass, wheat, rye, rice, corn, bamboo, cotton, hemp, coffee waste…
Read more here.
1 Litre Glass SpawnJar with SFD lid
SteriBag™ packed within our Cleanroom
Containing 650ml (Approx. 500g) of King Oyster Spawn
How to use
We recommend spawning to a sawdust-based substrate for a very large harvest.
See how we produce our sawdust-substrate using oak sawdust logs and wheatbran to produce around 4.5KG of substrate!
1-2 week production time is required on Spawn. Depending on stocks, we may be able to dispatch sooner.
If there is rust on the jar lid don’t worry, it’s very normal and should be expected.
Unfortunately, we cannot ship this product outside of the United Kingdom right now due to some Brexit requirements on live mycelium. Please only order this product if delivery will be within the UK.